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Outfit Studio/Bodyslide - Deleting parts of the reference body?


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How do I remove specific vertices from a reference body using Outfit Studio?


I'm asking because for pretty much every default outfit that shows skin, I replaced their default reference bodies with a copy of the full body to use as a reference. The reason I did this was because for most of the default outfits, I didn't like how Bodyslide built them, so I went into Outfit Studio, and adjusted the outfit to my liking. The default reference bodies are only partial bodies, showing only the chest, midriff, bottom of the legs, bottom of the arms, or some combination thereof, and the rest of the body is nonexistent, to save on memory. I replaced all of these reference bodies with my full body, so I wouldn't have annoying transparent holes through my character in 3rd person view.


I did all the normal stuff to prevent clipping in-game, copying bone weights, etc. but there are still really bad clipping issues whenever a character wearing these outfits moves.


So is there some way to delete the unneeded/unseen parts of the full reference body?


I've tried manually deleting vertices using the mask tool, but in-game, that either makes the outfit mesh explode all over my screen, or it makes the mesh disappear entirely. Nothing I've tried so far works, and I'm fresh out of ideas.

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Yeah, I think I figured it out.


I tried using zaps in the past but could never wrap my head around it. My mistake was that I didn't know you have to load a project with the vanilla built outfits. I was trying this whole time to apply zaps to outifts I had already adjusted, and it was causing all sorts of mayhem.


I'll have to readjust all of my affected outfits, should take a few days. At least I won't have to deal with clipping anymore.

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