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K ENB transparency head and body.


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I have been playing skyrim with this bug for a long time since I started using K ENB mods and now I have decided to ask about the bug.As you can see the pictures in below,the head transparency is higher than the body's transparency.Whenever i get to a darker place,and it started fade and turn transparent.Please do help and sorry for bad english :).http://i1276.photobucket.com/albums/y465/Crow_Onenineseven/2013-05-01_00003_zpsc53c7943.jpg




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try to lower the Bloom values... see if that does anything.


Other than that...

don't think it's ENB related, but rather your character mods... or a combination of that mod + ENB... ENB is so far customizable that you can hardly say 'my mod is compatible with ENB' ... all mods are compatible with ENB unless you change any of it's settings or effects in a certain way.


have you tried with the default ENB which you can download from the ENB website as test? If that one has the same issue (leaving everything on default settings) you have to look elsewhere.

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try to lower the Bloom values... see if that does anything.


Other than that...

don't think it's ENB related, but rather your character mods... or a combination of that mod + ENB... ENB is so far customizable that you can hardly say 'my mod is compatible with ENB' ... all mods are compatible with ENB unless you change any of it's settings or effects in a certain way.


have you tried with the default ENB which you can download from the ENB website as test? If that one has the same issue (leaving everything on default settings) you have to look elsewhere.

Oh I see,never tried with the default ENB..gonna try it now. Thx for the advice :) Will reply ASAP.

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