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My player is stuck in T-pose


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I first want to apologize with this. I have spent hours trying to find this answer online, and although I have found many solutions, none of them seem to be working for me. I'll try to give what information I can give to help, but unfortunately I'm not very knowledgeable with all this. My player, and only my player is stuck in the T-pose. So I can't battle properly or aim a bow. Not much of a game when it comes to combat.


First of all I only have one warning in LOOT, and it has to do with Sofia:


"Delete ski_playerloadgamealias.pex from Sofia Follower. SkyUI's script must take precedence."


I have no errors in FNIS, and yes I have run it, and ran the game from steam before loading my SKSE version from MO2. Here is my FNIS log:


FNIS Behavior V7.6 3/29/2021 5:47:30 PM
Skyrim SE 64bit: - D:\Games\steamapps\common\Skyrim Special Edition\ (Steam)

Skeleton(hkx) female: Default (99 bones) male: Default (99 bones)
Patch: "SKELETON Arm Fix"

Reading FlowerGirlsSE V3.0.2 ...
Reading FNISBase V7.6 ...
Reading FNISCreatureVersion V7.0 ...
Reading FNISSpells V5.0.1 ...
Reading SMSkyrim V?.? ...
Reading XPMSE V7.2 ...

All Anim Lists scanned. Generating Behavior Files...
Alternate Animation mods: 1 sets: 16 total groups: 30 added file slots: 170 alternate files: 164

Create Creature Behaviors ...

1880 animations for 6 mods successfully included (character)

0 possible consistence issues


this is the only notification that i get in MO2:


You have one or more script extender plugins which failed to load!

If you want this notification to go away, here are some steps you can take:

• Look for updates to the mod or the specific plugin included in the mod.

• Disable the mod containing the plugin.

• Hide or delete the plugin from the mod.

To refresh the script extender logs, you will need to run the game and/or editor again!

The failed plugins are:

• Couldn't load hdtPhysicsExtensions.dll (HDT Physics Extensions). A DLL is invalid (code 193).

• Couldn't load mfgfix.dll (Mfg Fix). The last error code was 1114.

• Couldn't load SKSE_JoyOfPerspective.dll (The Joy of Perspective). A DLL is invalid (code 193).


I will admit I am not as familiar with MO2 as Vortex, but since switching to MO2 I have not had a even a single CTD at all, going on a month now. I'm not sure how to get a copy of my mods or plugins list.


Any and all help is greatly appreciated, Thank you in advance.

Edited by Markstine
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First thing that's noticable is your XPMSE skeleton;

This: Skeleton(hkx) female: Default (99 bones) male: Default (99 bones)
Should read: Skeleton(hkx) female: XPMSSE (126 bones) male: XPMSSE (126 bones)

As for the MO2 errors

- Couldn't load hdtPhysicsExtensions.dll - hdtPhysicsExtension does not work in SSE, you'll need HDT-SMP physics
- Couldn't load SKSE_JoyOfPerspective.dll - based on the same error code I would say this is the LE version, not SSE version. AFAIK the SSE version doesn't use an SKSE plugin.

Double check that all your mods are SSE versions and reinstall XPMSSE so that FNIS recognizes it.

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thank you Hanaisse for your help.


Here is what I did:


I installed hdt smp, https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/77445

i installed the no skse version of joy of perspective, https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/6002

I renistalled XPmsse.

ran loot

ran FNIS:


FNIS Behavior V7.6 3/30/2021 10:48:01 AM
Skyrim SE 64bit: - D:\Games\steamapps\common\Skyrim Special Edition\ (Steam)

Skeleton(hkx) female: XPMS2HDT (126 bones) male: XPMS2HDT (126 bones)
Patch: "SKELETON Arm Fix"

Reading FlowerGirlsSE V3.0.2 ...
Reading FNISBase V7.6 ...
Reading FNISCreatureVersion V7.0 ...
Reading FNISSpells V5.0.1 ...
Reading SMSkyrim V?.? ...
Reading XPMSE V7.2 ...

All Anim Lists scanned. Generating Behavior Files...
Alternate Animation mods: 1 sets: 16 total groups: 30 added file slots: 170 alternate files: 164

Create Creature Behaviors ...

1880 animations for 6 mods successfully included (character)

0 possible consistence issues


ran SKyrim through steam, closed then ran through SKSE in MO2.

player still stuck in t-pose


I hope I didn't miss a step


a couple of things I wasn't 100% on from your reply



- Couldn't load SKSE_JoyOfPerspective.dll - based on the same error code I would say this is the LE version, not SSE version. AFAIK the SSE version doesn't use an SKSE plugin.

not sure what you meant by AFAIK

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You are still trying to install original Skyrim mods in your Special Edition game. Skyrim Special Edition has it's own game section here and you should only download and install mods from there.


What you said; I installed hdt smp, https://www.nexusmod...yrim/mods/77445

What you really need; HDT SMP


Notice the different URL's - only install mods you find in the /skyrimspecialedition/ section of Nexus.


Same goes for Joy of Perspective, you want this version.


At least your skeleton is good now. :)

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