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Dead Bear Bug


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There is a dead bear bug with Skyrim. Some bears will not die. Well they die but they are still alive. You can loot them and they are still moving but they are dead and will often cause a CTD. There are many youtube videos on this bug.




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No but I am using a mod that changes the damage of destruction perks such as frost, fire and shock damage. I just had the same bug happen this time with a bandit. So far I have only had the problem happen when using frost damage spells like frost cloak or wall of frost. Any idea how that could be the cause of it?




At first I didn't think it was a mod that was causing the problem but I took a look and found that wall of frost and frost cloak also have left hand entries. The left hand value for wall of frost was different then the wall of frost entry so I changed them to have the same value and I think that has fixed it. Haven't had that problem again after testing it on many enemies. I didn't change left hand value on frost cloak as they looked the same as the vanilla skyrim value.


Thanks for the suggestion....it got me to look around and dig a little deeper...at least I think I fixed it.

Edited by SuperMegaSuperMega
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