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seriously? permanent bandits?


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ok i have a whole bunch of mods installed and was wondering if any of them could be causing some silly issues...like idunno...ESSENTIAL BANDITS!?

i was sneaking around killing bandits when i ran into a bandit that WOULD NOT DIE!!! i opened the console and selected the offending bandit and when i typed in the "isessential" command it flagged as 1...wtf? could not freaking find out why...since then i managed to find several other bandits that were flagged as essential...

i checked the tes5edit data and have looked thru the mentions of bandits and never found the mentions of protected bandits!!

my load order is attached...if anyone has any ideas i would love to hear it because i am getting sick and tired of essential checking bandits...

also, the ability to actually flag bandits as non-essential in the console would be fantastic and if anyone would be able to tell me how to do that i would freaking love it

thanks in advance!


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the ability to actually flag bandits as non-essential in the console would be fantastic and if anyone would be able to tell me how to do that i would freaking love it

Well, that would be problematic. In Fallout 3/NV you could use GBO to get the BaseID and then setessential [NPC BaseID], 1 to set the NPC essential or setessential [NPC BaseID], 0 to make them mortal.


Unless SKSE has a functioning GBO command like FOSE/NVSE, you can't get the bandit's BaseID therefore you can't use the command unless you find in somehow with CK/TESVEdit/whatever.


Also, just out of curiosity, when you click the bandit, does it's RefID begin with two numbers, number/letter (12......, 5c......, etc.) or with ff (ff......)?


If it's two numbers or number/letter, you can use them to identify the mod responsible (if, for example, the first 2 numbers of that RefID are 3f, the mod with index 3f is the problem). If it's ff, that means it's vanilla but some mod changes the essential flag.

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It's possible that particular bandit is required in a quest that you have not yet completed or maybe not even received yet.- in that case he would become killable after or during the quest. If killed before the quest, that would make it so you would not be able to complete the quest. If that quest were required for something relating to the main quest then the game would be borked. You may be able to continue playing, but will not be able to complete the main quest.

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the refIDs began with either 00 or ff...the issue was that it was seemingly random bandits...for instance i went and did the jaree-ra thing...some of the bandits in his cave were marked as essential when i went to kill him...i'm playing a hardcore stealth-based character and it becomes a bit of a pain in the ass to go and beat on people only to find out that character is essential...(btw jaree-ra himself was marked as essential when my quest was to go kill him...as he was a named character tho, it was an easy fix in the console...) i have no idea what was causing this but i found a fix...kinda sucked to use it but it worked...went into the skyrim.ini and added bessentialstakenodamage (something like that) and flagged it so that the essential characters could all die...it was realistically a dangerous workaround that would make everyone except kids mortal but it allowed me to kill the bandits...


then after playing around with adding and removing mods my game became massively unstable so i had to do a clean install with a lot less mods and the problem wasnt there...so yeah no more having to essential check bandits, but i did lose a toon i had been working on for about 2 weeks...

moral of the story=be careful with adding and removing scripts lol

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