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[LE] Display caster and target in notification - get actor name papyrus


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EDIT: worked it out;
function doEffect()
	;have source actor cast spell at targetActor
	currentSpell.Cast(sourceActor, targetActor)

	string sourceActorName = sourceActor.GetBaseObject().GetName()
	string targetActorName = targetActor.GetBaseObject().GetName()

	;notify the player who cast what on who
	debug.notification(sourceActorName + " cast " + currentSpell.GetName() + " at " + targetActorName)
I have a script that forces and npc or the player to cast a spell at another random npc or player. I wish bothe the target and caster to be displayed in a notification.
Eg; "Grelod cast Unrelenting force at Lydia"


Currently this displays the spell name perfectly, but returns nothing for the actor/ object names (sourceActor and Target Actor)
function doEffect()
	;have source actor cast spell at targetActor
	currentSpell.Cast(sourceActor, targetActor)

	objectReference casterActorObject = sourceActor
	objectReference targetActorObject = targetActor

	;notify the player who cast what on who
	debug.notification(casterActorObject.getname() + " cast " + currentSpell.GetName() + " at " +  targetActorObject.getName() )

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