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[LE] First follower: How do I add features?


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I got a few crucial issues I want to be able to solve before creating new followers. Any kind of help is very appreciated.


First issue:


I used WEPlayerFriend faction for the first two followers (plus ally relationship), adding custom dialogue to enable the follow/fired option using quest stages & conditions.


I did not use CurrentFollowerFaction and PotentialFollowerFaction, because then, I'd get a CTD ingame because the voice files are missing in my custom voicetype.


How do I make this work? This also includes the "I need you to do something" option!



Second issue:


I added the ShoutReaction under the Misc tab in the follower quest form. There is no reaction, so how is this used? How can I make followers react to shouts (similar to like e.g. guards to)?



Third issue:

When editing dialogue and follower answers, how can I make him say one out of several possible lines as answer?


The first two followers I created work fine so far, Officer Jenkins & Duke Nukem. But I also want to update them, so I can use the factions for full follower functionality & enable support for follower frameworks.



Pls help, I couldn't find anything on this that fits those issues^^

Edited by vedan77
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