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Marksman Rifle mod firing rate problem?


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I wasn't sure if my question should go under mod talk or technical support, but I decided to put it here.


I'm making a modified version of the Marksman Rifle to make it more like the HK416. The problem I have is the firing rate. It won't actually go up. I have it set to automatic, and put it's firing rate at 12 (for example). I'll test it against the 10mm Submachine Gun (firing rate 9). The Marksmine rifle will still fire a lot slower. I have no idea why. I have it as automatic and everything, and the DPS formula would be correct should it fire at the rate it's supposed to, but it doesn't.


Anyone know a work around? I'd like to get rid of the scope too. It doesn't use it when aiming, but it's still in the texture. It also won't aim down the sights. I'm not sure if it's because it knows the scope would be in the way or some other reason.

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Look for "shots per second", change it to like 3 or 5 or something, drop the overall damage amount, and the DPS will go up heaps. Play with this until you get a good setting.

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I've made it shoot faster by messing with the animation, but now the DPS is way off. If I do 10 damage at 10 fire rate with Attack Multiplier Animation at 1 I'll get a really slow gun that doesn't actually get the 100 DPS it says it does. But if I put Attack Multiplier at 1.2, the gun will shoot faster with a fire rate of 10, the gun will shoot faster but it won't get the DPS it says it does.


So how do I get the rate of fire and DPS to match like it should?


BTW, there isn't any "rounds per second" anywhere that I can find. Only fire rate.


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