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Far Cry

Converting Blood Dragon Vehicles and Weapons over to regular FC3


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Topic says it all.


Blood dragon has the cool Robocop pistol and a minigun along with the jeeps and boats having miniguns (in place of the M246). Oh and the shotgun upgrade that shoots fire :smile:


I'ld also want to get the sky texture (maybe) as well as most of the mutated animals (and the neon tanto blade). Hell if possible replace the rich kid (Jason) with the Cyber Commando (that likes to flip people off when he's to far away to melee :smile: )



Anyhow.... I've tried to extract the data from the "blood_main.dat" / "blood_main.fat" with the gibbed tools and it does not extract all of the material (a lot of material end up in a "_unknown" folder).


folder location for main dat/fat: \\game location\\data_win32\worlds\blood_main\

note: gibbed tool version is "dunia2-r178_b114"


Any assistance would be greatly appreciated.

Edited by btn2k3
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not possible right now due to extractor tools not able to extract the common files (eg: C:\Program Files (x86)\Ubisoft\Far Cry 3 Blood Dragon\data_win32\common.dat)


which from memory hold much of the items info among other things.

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While tinkering around with Just Cause 2 and looking for an updated release of gibbed's tool for that game, I came across a thread which lead me to the tools for the SVN download and MS's Visual Express (Tutorial page on downloading and compilling gibbed's tools

http://www.justcause2mods.com/forum/19-tutorials/1494-svn-gibbeds-tools ).


I just pulled and compiled the FC3 tools (Gibb's SVN page currently shows revision 179 at the top http://svn.gib.me/public/dunia2/ ) and I compiled the JC2 set with the last update he put out for that game as well (r169 http://svn.gib.me/public/avalanche/ ).


I'll muck around with FC3 in a little while cause I'm currently tinkering with JC2 though (cause you can actually tinker with the vehicle settings).


I put the rar file here http://farcry.nexusmods.com/mods/86//?

Edited by btn2k3
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