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Might & Magic Jumper Series


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Thought i better start a new thread for this as we have made many changes to the Might & Magic oblivion mod


Name Might & Magic Jumper Series (Mod name for TES4)


Team hypergames2k8



Ok where to start as it stand there is 3 smaller mods that will result in the full Might & Magic Jumper series mod here is the lowdown any forum admin can deleat our older post for Might & Magic 6 Remake



Episode 1 Quest for Harmondale (Emerald Isle) (can be got to in layawiin in side the house for sale there is a dimension gate open, these are starting to pop up all over cyrodiil transporting anyone who dares to enter to new worlds and new lands and maybe even new time periods)


Episode 2 The Dawn Crusade (Evenmorn Isle & Harmondale) [This will require Episode 1 to play](Can be got to by useing the boat in emerald isle or finding the dimension gate located in an abandond mine in cyrodiil somewhere will allso include Harmondale landmass so the player can use the deed he won in episode 1 and will have a place to keep all his stuff from each world)


Episode 3 The Mandate of Heaven (Enroth) [Will require episode 1 and 2 to work correctly](A full remake of Might and Magic VI, not including either beta location. Features the same characters, creatures, spells, locations and dungeons from MM6, with some added content. There will be a quest by a powerfull wizard to open up the dimension gate in the wizards tower court yard)








Progress report on Episode 1 to be posted next with some screenshots of the new areas

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Episode 1 Quest For Harmondale Progress Report

Internal Beta 1 Version 0.43


Quests 45%

NPC 100%


Emerald Isle 100%

Emerald Isle Decoration 100%


Interior Cells

Temple of the moon 100%

The Dragons Lair 100%

Initiate Guild of Air 100%

Initiate Guild of Fire 100%

Initiate Guild of Body 100%

Initiate Guild of Spirit 100%

Carolyn Weather's House 100%

Markham's Headquarters 100%

Tellmar Residence 100%

Mia Lucille Home 100%

Island Training Grounds 100%

Healer's Tent 100%

The Lady Margaret Boat 100%

The Blue Bottle 100%

Two Palms Tavern 100%

Erik's Armory 100%

The Knight's Blade 100%

Emerald Enchantements 100%

Mia Lucille Home 100%

Donna Wyriths Residence 100%


Overall progress 92%


Episode 2 The Dawn Crusade Progress Report

Internal Alpha Version 0.023


Quests: 0%

NPC: 0%


Evenmorn Isle: 100%

Harmondale: 100%


Evermorn Isle Decoration 95%

Harmondale Decoration 41%


Interior Cells

Evenmorn Isle Interiors

Crane Residence 100%

Caverhill Residence 100%

Grand Temple Of The Sun 2%

Grand Temple Of The Moon 90%

Paramount Guild Of Water 100%

Sacred Sails 50%

Smithson Residence 100%

The Laughing Monk 100%


Harmondale Interiors

Castle Harmondale 98%

Welnin Cathedral 90%

Harmondale Townhall 0%

Initiate Guild of Earth 5%

Initiate Guild of Water 100%

Initiate Guild of Mind 0%

Adept Guild of Air 0%

Adept Guild of Body 0%

Adept Guild of Fire 0%

Adept Guild of Spirit 0%

Bowes Residence 100%

The Peasant's Smitty 0%

Tempered Steel 50%

Basic Principles 50%

Philters and Elixirs 50%

Otto's Oddities 0%

On the House 100%

Stables 0%

Mist Manor %

Temper Residence 100%

Krewlen Residence 0%

Withersmythe's House 0%

The Vault 50%

Stillwater Residence 0%

Mark Manor 95%

Torrent's 100%

Skinner's House 0%


I will keep updateing this when new progress is reported stay tuned


All screenshots can be located in the gallery in our forum at http://hypergame2k8.yuku.com/forums/120

they are seperated into 2 catagories internal and external enjoy!

Feedback is always welcome

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  • 2 months later...

Work is on going WE have desided to add some creatures to Episode 1


Creatures to be added are.



Red Dragon





Here is a screenshot of the dragonfly WIP


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Very cool - will there be voice acting?


Thanks for the posative feedback.


As for voice acting yes there will be we have a large amount of local voice actors and the mixing decks to make the voice changes needed.


Voice will be added to the progress reports when it has been started we will release versions of the mods without voice as the Public beta's.


Hope this information Helps

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  • 3 months later...

Just a little update:


Episode 1 Quest For Harmondale Progress Report

BETA 5 Version 0.48


Dialogue 99%

Quests 95%

NPC 100%

Voice 0%


Emerald Isle 100%

Emerald Isle Decoration 100%


Interior Cells

Temple of the moon 100%

The Dragons Lair 100%

Initiate Guild of Air 100%

Initiate Guild of Fire 100%

Initiate Guild of Body 100%

Initiate Guild of Spirit 100%

Carolyn Weather's House 100%

Markham's Headquarters 100%

Tellmar Residence 100%

Mia Lucille Home 100%

Island Training Grounds 100%

Healer's Tent 100%

The Lady Margaret Boat 100%

The Blue Bottle 100%

Two Palms Tavern 100%

Erik's Armory 100%

The Knight's Blade 100%

Emerald Enchantements 100%

Donna Wyriths Residence 100%


Overall progress 97%

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