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Health/Stamina/Magicka bars that display actual number value


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What I'm asking for is a mod that allows you to see your current stats while in game so you don't have to go into the skills menus just to check how much magic/stamina/health you have.


This could tell you exactly when you have enough magicka to cast a certain spell, and it definitely gives you a better sense of how close you are to dying. It could show you how fast you are regenerating, and it could also alert you if any stats are red (damaged due to disease or poisions, etc).


I haven't seen any mods like this, but in theory it doesn't sound difficult to make, but would be a major convenience.

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I asked this about a year ago and got no replies :(


What I can say is that, at the very least, the numbers shown in the skills menu should be able to be carried over to the HUD somehow. If not, they could surely be displayed from code made from scratch.


It's a small feature that I'd like to see too and for much the same reasons; if effect icons can be presented in the HUD with SkyUI, there's no reason this couldn't.

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