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Futuristic Weapons Pack


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I had an idea for some race specific weapons that I think turned out pretty cool. I designed these for one of my classes and my files are available at this web page: https://sites.google.com/a/iastate.edu/mjbeck/ind-d-341-project-files


I thought it would be cool if the next Elder Scrolls game took place after space travel had been invented so that is what I based a lot of this on. The PowerPoint goes through some of the reasoning and the story I was thinking of. Keep in mind I was presenting to people who had no idea what Skyrim is so the presentation is pretty basic.


It would be really cool if someone could mod stuff like this into the game and if any file types other than Solidworks would help I could try to convert them. I'm sure my professor would appreciate any feedback you guys could give. I also don't know if or how I can post the files I have onto this site. I'm new to this forum thing and would appreciate some help.


I'll go ahead and put the Keyshot rendered pictures here because I just figured out how:


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