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[mod suggestions] Mushroom patches, "magic"?


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MUSHROOM PATCHES - acts like a creatable beehive but is a log pile with a particle affect. similar to how people inoculate wood logs to grow mushrooms in real life


red mushroom patch -lvl2 workbench- 50 wood and 10 mushrooms as the cost to build


Glowing yellow mushroom patch -lvl3 workbench- 50 fine wood, 10 yellow mushrooms


blue mushroom patch -lvl4 workbench- 50 ancient wood, 10 blue mushrooms





I know the term is very vague but have some of the abilities that the shaman class monsters have at their disposal like healing or poison cloud. maybe summoning that costs x number of trophies to spawn a tamed mob that only lasts for a certain amount of time or hp runs out. maybe modify the ooze ball to be glorified poke ball for this XD

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