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I can't figure out how to get the whole body I get this black on h

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The actor is using the default human female upperbody texture. This means the black part that Mom's everywhere make artists draw in is still included. It looks to me like the narrowed shoulders Type 3 body. So what you need is either archive invalidation invalidated, or you need a set of type 3 textures. I reckon there are 10 or 20 different textures to choose from, maybe more.


You could go to data/textures/characters/female an look to see if you have any, if there are none or you don't have those folders, then invalidation isn't working. I actually use FOMM to apply invalidation because it works on more than one game an it's easy. It seems to apply it when it's installed, but it doesn't hurt to remove an apply it again to be sure. There are also settings inside the games .ini config that will invalidate or break invalidation.

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I can not figure how to get rid of the black on her butt and her lower area I do not understand what the breasts are completely fine and they bounce but it still doesn't completely work. I am using BnB I guess I got half of it to work, please help me I'm guessing of manually adding them in a row next, I used NMM and it worked pretty well except for the black. Please help pm me I tried sending this to Thaumx but that won't work for some reason I'm going to try to manuelly do this all tomorrow, I'm not sure why her body is the only thing thats not working.http://i1132.photobucket.com/albums/m567/Deathssavior1577/WTFhowthehelldoIgetridoftheblack_zps60b3752e.jpg Edited by deathssavior1576
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