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My plugins order reset somehow. Game crashes.


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I don't know how my plugin order was changed... if it was because I deleted my skyrim.ini and skyrimprefs.ini and then launched the regular skyrim launcher to reset the settings freshly or what, I don't know, either way all my plugins were in different positions and I wasn't aware of it until this morning when my saved games weren't loading properly.

So I changed the load order of my plugins to how they should be, but none of my saves are working properly.

Not even "new game" is working. I tried with skse and without skse and not even new game works lmao.... Never even heard of that happening before so I got NO clue what the hell is going on because last night the game was launching and playing FINE after I reset the ini's and I saved and loaded games normally a bunch of times before I went to bed.

I have no idea. I'm not a novice when it comes to picking the correct load order for .esp's and I haven't added or changed anything since last night. I'm at a loss.

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alright I got my saves working again. I honestly don't have a clue as to why all my plugins were completely out of order in the first place, but for now I seem to have everything working.

I think what happened is I used Dual sheath redux skyproc patcher without realizing my mod order had been completely changed, so after I realized everything was in a different order after setting everything up in the correct order and then trying to load a save or a new-game it still wouldn't work until I used the skyproc patcher again because I had unknowningly used the skyproc patcher with a completely borked and totally screwed up mod order which apparently stops even new game from functioning.

That was a total cluster F if I ever saw one.... Almost lost 240 hours of gameplay.

I'm actually surprised the save still worked, if you think about it that thing should be been radioactive after I did that. Either way I dodged a bullet.</p>

Edited by Armedsauce
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