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Teleportation Script


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I have a small script that lets me teleport back and forth across a river but it only teleports the player, not followers. Is it possible to change this script so that it will teleport followers as well?


ObjectReference Property TeleportMarker auto
Event OnActivate(ObjectReference akActionRef)




A Scripting Noob

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I have a house that is across the river from the Solitude Mill and I figured that anyone living on a river wouldn't want to swim it every time they needed to go into town. So I set up a rowboat as an activator on each side of the river to ride (teleport) to the other side. I knew it was probably very easy but I had no idea how it was done. I found that script that I posted, which worked, but it seemed wrong that I had to wait for my followers to swim across when my character had taken a boat. This works perfectly, even my horse comes along so now I don't have to walk up the hill to Solitude.


Many thanks Ghaunadaur.

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