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Not able to level


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When I reach level 2 and get promoted to level 3, it tells me to go to skills. However, the choice to pick Magic, Health, or Stamina is not there so I get no perks to use to advance my skills and I don't get any additional magic, health, or stamina. I've tried disabling mods but that does not help...some when removed cause CTD when loading saved game. Anyone got any ideas as to how to find what is causing this problem.



I had made it to upper levels with other toons. But I wanted to restart because there was no way to change the houses you built with Hearthfires.


If I cannot level I cannot play the game. I restarted with just the basics (Heathfire DLC, Dawnguard DLC, Graphics DLC, update, Unofficial patches (4)).

Order: Update, Dawnguard, Hearthfire, Graphics DLC, Skyrim Patch, Dawnguard Patch, Hearthfire Patch and Graphics patch.


And I cannot do ANY leveling....the graphics come on and I go from1 to 2 but when I open the skills menu it has NOTHING. No way to increase stamina, health or magica...



Edited by LarryBurstyn
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