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can anyone confirm why my plugin order was changed?


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I just had a nasty little experience that I don't wish to live through again for a very long time, my plugins load order in NMM was completely changed somehow.

Is it confirmed that if you delete your skyrim.ini and skyrimprefs.ini and then launch the skyrim launcher to recreate new ones, does that also change the load order in NMM for plugins?

I'd test it myself but I'd rather not re-order 70 mods again. I just want to be sure that I know what caused all the plugins to change load order. I'm also forcing SKSE to recognize TESV.exe as oblivion.exe instead so I can get crossfire working properly with ENB and I'm wondering if maybe that caused this to happen or not.

Edited by Armedsauce
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Is it confirmed that if you delete your skyrim.ini and skyrimprefs.ini and then launch the skyrim launcher to recreate new ones, does that also change the load order in NMM for plugins?

No, that doesn't do it, inis only control game settings, loaded plugins list is located in a different location (can't remember where right now).


However, forcing SKSE to recognize TESV.exe as Oblivion.exe might have something to do with it, not sure though.

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Is it confirmed that if you delete your skyrim.ini and skyrimprefs.ini and then launch the skyrim launcher to recreate new ones, does that also change the load order in NMM for plugins?

No, that doesn't do it, inis only control game settings, loaded plugins list is located in a different location (can't remember where right now).


However, forcing SKSE to recognize TESV.exe as Oblivion.exe might have something to do with it, not sure though.

Hm I really hope not, that would suck beyond belief. I guess I have no choice but to test it. I don't have a choice if I want to use SKSE with crossfire and enb, so either way I'll be finding out real soon if thats the cause of why it was changed.

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Alright I'm updating this with some information that got me nowhere. I loaded everything up just fine, exited everything, launched everything, did this a couple of times and the load order never changed with SKSE launching TESV.exe as oblivion.exe instead, so I really have absolutely NO clue how my load order changed.

Edited by Armedsauce
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Dont know what happened, but I do know how to permanently set your load order that neither Skyrim nor NMM can mess with it unless you let them..






You will see a file called plugins.txt


This contains your active mods and load order. Right click it -> Properties -> tick the box Read-Only -> OK


Now it cannot be changed anymore.


When you start NMM you will have a warning that it's set to read-only and NMM cannot manage your mods because of that. NMM will prompt if you want to remove that property... you can say Yes or No to that. Selecting No will simply launch NMM which your order and whatnot, just it cannot be changed.



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  • 2 months later...




You will see a file called plugins.txt


This contains your active mods and load order.


OMG I needed that so much, my load order was different than my perfect order on my other user account.

So all i have to do is copy that load order and paste it in my account.



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