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Visual problems!


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I hope one of you kind folk can help me. So many great character mods out there, and admittedly I have several and I started noticing that when I reach Riverwood and am outside (regardless of lighting,) my eyes look distorted and sunken in. Indoors they look fine MOSTLY but I try to take screenshots of game activity and hate the way the eyes look. They look fine, MOSTLY, until later in the game as I mentioned. Scratching my head over this one, but it is probably some sort of incompatibility or a video quality issue. Any suggestions would be appreciated and I thank you in advance for taking a moment to respond!

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My first guess would be a mod compatibility issue as the only vanilla bug I've seen with the eyes is the invisibility bug, which sounds different than what you're experiencing.


Have you tried deactivating one character mod at a time and loading the game each time to see which one might be causing it? If this only started recently, I'd start with your most recent mods and work your way back.

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