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Replacing Dialogue Text


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Hi folks.


Was wondering if it was possible to mass-replace certain words or phrases in the dialogue text in the Creation Kit?


For example, a quick method to make every reference to 'Whiterun' to 'Bob's City' or whatever.


The idea of going through every single QUST file to edit all the dialogue to match changes in a mod is not an altogether appealing one, heh.


Cheers in advance.

Edited by Kualan
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I think it's impossible for the cities, but it's possible for the Holds names, never tried... Try to go in the "Location" section and change "WhiteunLocation" name to "Bob's City" or whatever. For the Holds, that's the same thing, go to, for example, "WhiterunHoldLocation" and change his name (for example, axe of Whiterun will be no longer "of Whiterun" but "of 'Whatyouwant").

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