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will the acdale eye candy coflict with chsbhc


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hi all......i'm new to downloading mods for skyrim.....so any help would be greatly appreciated.....just wanted to know if acdale eye candy mod will conflict with any of the chsbhc mods? also....when you download mods what is a good rule of thumb to be able to see what mod will conflict with another? thanks all

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Personally, I am not using those two mods myself, so I couldn't tell you specifically, but the rule of thumb I use is the following:

-Do I already have a mod that manages the same thing or something having to do with that item/person? If so, I may have a problem.

-How big is the mod? For me, some of the really big mods have made it so quests don't kick off - uninstalling or knowing console commands can be a big help in those instances!


Hope this helps!




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Soooooo.....is unp......cbbe.....chsbhc.....unbp.......and adec compatible ? I'm having trouble with faces being different color from body and when naked..... the butt is not smooth and round .....it's hard to explain.....the butt looks distorted........what would cause these problems? I have several different body mods and armor mods downloaded......I've been experimenting and trying to fix the problem by deactivating certain mods with no results. I'm new to modding and any help would be greatly appreciated
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