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Help with repeating Exterior Crashes Please!


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Hi, I need help with a constant Exterior crashing, Skyrim Stops responding and freezes up, ive been checking Papyrus like a hawk, but at the end of the log EVERY time i crash, is just this: (which comes up with ZERO results on google:


MT_Effect_InInterior_FalseScript.Dispel() - "<native>" Line ?
[None].MT_Effect_InInterior_FalseScript.OnEffectStart() - "MT_Effect_InInterior_FalseScript.psc"
I can't track it to a specific mod, due to the above script name being too generic, and iv'e tried setting my graphics settings on lowest possible, and it still happens. I've verified Steam cache, and My PC has an Nvidia GTX 670 4GB, 16Gb RAM, Intel i5 unlocked.
I have no idea whatsoever what's causing this, and i'll post my load order if requested, but id like to end by saying, everything worked fine with this current load order until just recently and it started acting up. I've also been using completely new games, so no orphaned scripts or anything.
Any help is MUCH appreciated.
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While the papyrus log can occasionally yield useful information when bug tracking, it is not a 'crash log', so don't read it as such. Post your BOSS log (with the messages), including the list of plugins not recognized by BOSS if one is generated. Enclose them in spoiler tags so they don't clutter the screen. Also, have you made any edits to the game ini files?

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Solved. Was an older version of Moonlight Tales that caused irreversible game instability, Fully reinstalled and works fine now, Updating moonlight tales. Thanks to MT's author for the help.

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