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Some weird stuff


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This is weird. I've been playing SSE for a week now. So far, I have not been recruited by Delphine. All she says is "How's it going?" Consequently, I can't retrieve Esburn, and the Greybeards will not give me the ClearSkies shout so I can visit Parthurnaax, which means I can't have my fight with Alduin.


I have not been invited (or coerced) into joining the civil war by either side. It's like the war doesn't even exist. The Dawnguard, Dragonborn, and Companions quests went off without a hitch, and every other aspect of the game works fine. I don't really care about the war, but any clues as to what to do about the Alduin problem? I have one follower mod, Loona Shadow, but she doesn't seem to be any kind of problem. I have gone way back to the save before I first met Delphine in Riverwood, but to no avail. Still doesn't work. :confused:

Edited by varkonasnorse
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Here is something else weird. All the Jarls dialogs are about Elenwen's party at the embassy. Should I start over?


Just in case anyone is thinking it; I downloaded this game from Steam with all DLCs, so it's not a pirated game. I also have the Unofficial Patch for it.



Update: Oops! Player error. It's been a long time since I started a game from scratch, and it seems the Thalmor Embassy quest did not completely finish, and that prevented the next phase with Delphine. I reloaded and did the Thalmor Embassy quest again, made sure it finalized, and moved on. So NEVERMIND! :sick: :ohmy: :dry: :laugh:

Edited by varkonasnorse
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