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Script Noobie, need some very basic help to get started.


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I want to start learning the script syntax, and after reading the TES4 Construction Kit it seems easy enough.


To begin, I want to try scripting so that whenever my character gets hit, he mutters something as long as he didn't say anything for the last 3 seconds.


So, this is what I think I need to do:


1) Create new sound entry. Pointed it to directory full of .wav's and called it MVgetHitSound


2) Create a new script, lets call it MVOnHit


ScriptName MVOnHit

short currentHP
short newHP
short doOnce

Begin GameMode

;Set up variables:
if doOnce == 0
	set currentHP to player.GetCurrentHealth
	set newHP to currentHP
	set doOnce to 1

;Loop to check when currentHP != newHp
if currentHP != newHP
	set newHP to currentHP
	player.playsound3d MVgetHitSound




3) Attach script to Player NPC.



4) Skip ???, go straight to profit.


However, I'm missing something. I don't know to add a timed delay, nor do I know why this won't werk.


Halp plz?


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Hi kflee,

First, create a new "dummy" quest, put a check in 'Start Game Enabled' and set 'Script Processing Delay' to 0.1.
Now, create a new script, set 'Script Type' to 'Quest', and use this code:

scn	MVOnHit

float	fLastHP
float	fCurrentHP
float	fDelay

begin GameMode

	if fDelay
		set fDelay to (fDelay > 0) * (fDelay - GetSecondsPassed)

	if fCurrentHP != player.GetCurrentHealth
		set fCurrentHP to player.GetCurrentHealth
		if (fCurrentHP < fLastHP) && (fDelay == 0)
			set fDelay to 3
			player.PlaySound3D MVgetHitSound
		set fLastHP to fCurrentHP



Finally, return to the quest you created and have it use this script.

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Hmmm, the script won't save.


EDIT: Oh, now it does.


Problem is that it doesn't seem to work.


EDIT: Got working with the PrintC commands to debug, it seems that Player.getCurrentHealth is always returning 100.000?



Oh, I got it working. Great success.


Thank you for helping me out!

Edited by kflee
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