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Quest idea: "The Champion's Blade."


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Jeeze, was the Nexus down for the last two or three days for anybody else, or was it just my browser?


Anyway, here's the pitch: A powerful, demonic/undead dragon is imprisoned in a pocket-dimension but has slowly begun to loose itself. You are called on to defeat him for good, but to do so, you must enter and beat each of four elemental towers to collect the Essence Spheres located at their uppermost levels. These must be brought to the Spirit Forge along with the essence of the dragon itself, obtained from the Soul Cairne, and the broken Champion's Blade found in Sovengard. The dragon's essence is located in the hidden Temple of Death in the Soul Cairne, the Champion's Blade in the Temple of Immortality in Sovenguard, and the Spirit Forge is located within the Temple of Life in Skyrim. Each tower and temple is themed after it's named trait or element and has puzzles and combat done in the intuitive fashion of a Legend of Zelda game. (As opposed to the kind of puzzles you find in most JRPGs that require a player's guide to solve.) The catch is that each time you beat one of the elemental towers to collect the parts required to beat the dragon, you break down his bindings a bit more, and the dragon begins to set off cataclysmic events for each tower you unbind him from; ie, the Tower of Winds' completion begins hurricane-force winds and tornadoes, the Tower of Water's completion unleashes torrential rainfall and flooding, beating the Tower of Fire causes volcanic erruptions, and conquering the Tower of Earth begins periodic earthquakes. Also, collecting the dragon's essence from the Temple of Death in the Soul Cairne causes random undead/draugr to manifest in Skyrim, while obtaining the broken Champion's Blade from the Temple of Immortality in Sovengard draws the notice and aggression of any dragons you encounter because they sense the blade and it's basically made to slay dragons. (But the only way to defeat the undead dragon-demon is with this sword; it's impervious to anything else, even spellcasting or the dragonrend shout.)

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