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Help with picking the right mods for the task


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Recently I decided to start a new Skyrim playtrough after being away from this game for more than a year.Now with all DLCs out and tons of new mods to pick from I'm a bit lost.Back when Skyrim first came out I played around with a few mods but the game and mods suffered from compatibility issues, crashes and a score of diferent bugs.As I mentioned I'm a bit lost at what to pick.


I'm a big fan of immersion and as such I was looking mostly into such mods.So here's a short list of mods I plan on using and I would appreciate any input by those who have had experience with these mods and know what works well together.


Anyway here's a list of mods:


SkyUI (with MCM) - along with SKSE it's a must

Project Reality Climates of Tamriel

Realistic Lighting Overhaul

Pure Waters or WATER - still not sure on these two

Static Mesh Improvment

Skyrim HD - 2K Textures

Claralux - not sure how well it goes with aforementioned lighting mods

Skyrim Flora Overhaul

Lush Trees and Grass


SkyRe - I love the new perks and skills, magic overhaul and deadly, fast-paced combat it offers. I realy hate exchanging endless blows with a bandit or ppl running around with arrows in their eyes.

Deadly Dragons - I hated dragons in Vanilla, they were droping like flies left and right and posed no challenge at all...

Frostfall - Immersion fan remember :biggrin:

Wet&Cold - see above

Realistic needs and Diseases - see above

Winter is Comming - for cloaks

Immersive armors - for better variety

Immersive weapons or JaySuS swords - if anyone knows of smtn like them let me know

Cloaks of Skyrim - more cloaks

Some backpacks - not sure which mod to pick yet.Mby I'll just get all of em.

Convenient Horses - someone has to carry all that food and firewood, not to mention a tent...

WARZONES - Empty Vanilla Skyrim was just too damn anoying...

Immersive HUD - only there when you need it

Mby some archery mods - those that mesh well with SkyRe

Some Alchemy assist mods - immersion is one thing but opsesive compulsive gathering of herbs is just not my thing...

Mby some crafting mods - not yet sure...

Automatic Variations

SkyTEST - for smarter beasts

Any decent lore-friendly monster mod - Immersive creatures just has too many strange stuff in there...not sure if there is the optional variant.

Werewolf/Vampire mods - Tales of Lycantropy looked nice and immersive, btw I'm a big fan of World of Darkness P&P RPGs so anything along those lines would be good

BUG FIXES - for original and all DLCs



Well there you have it, my "whish list" any input over the aforementioned mods would be much appreciated as well as any suggestions. I'm mostly worried about compatibility issues with so many mods installed so that's why I thought to ask here first.Performance might also be an issue but I have yet to see how my new configuration handles Skyrim, but I can deal with that on my own (I think :biggrin:)





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If you like immersion, you will love this kind of stuff most definitely: http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/20781/ (use with ENB 0.132 - see mod's posts for details) -- and dont look at the ridiculous lame screenshots (there a few).... that's just some non immersive armor mods... it's a gfx overhaul ONLY)

Climates of Tamriel
Realistic Lighting Overhaul
Pure Water
Skyrim HD 2K Lite version
Skyrim Flora Overhaul + Expanded diversity
Deadly Dragons
Immersive Weapons & Armor

Edit; oh yea, almost forgot... All unofficial patches for each DLC, and have all DLC's installed before you start playing if you plan to get them later anyway (saves you from a lot of issues later on)

Are and absolute must for me.

Claralux, you dont need with RLO
W.A.T.E.R had some problems on my system together with CoT & ENB
Take care with SkyRe and scripted mods / game changing mods as you described... SkyRe is not very compatible as it's a complete overhaul of the whole game. Read/ask very well if you plan to use scripted / game change (perk change, etc) mods together with SkyRe... but your Frostfall works very well with it (same for Wet & Cold, Realistic needs and Diseases, and Winter is coming)



- - - - - - EDIT - - - - - -


I just saw it now - Archery mods are a pretty much nono area with SkyRe, as SkyRe always overhauls the whole archery skills and weapon systems (longbow, shortbow, arrow trajectory, perks, etc)... You'll have to see a specific mod compatible with SkyRe, if any... I saw a few and all noted not to be compatible as SkyRe already changes X and Y that the mod would change... There are however mods that add longbows into the game specifically compatible with SkyRe, as SkyRe makes all the vanilla bows Shortbows by default... so if you wanna be a long distance sniper archer, you might wanna have a look here;


Skyrim: http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/29950

Dawnguard addons: http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/30011

Dragonboron addons: http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/31131

And for full compatibility (using ReProccer) with Immersive armors, weapons, jaysus swords look here: http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/29375 (this mod contains Balbors changes as well, so no need to do both)

Anyway, hope this helps :smile: cheers

Edited by prod80
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Claralux won't like like RLO and may conflict with COT. (I use RLO and COT, Boss recommends not using the dungeon lighting or interior lighting from COT with RLO *you can install climates after RLO, choose not to use warm interiors / hardcore or hazardous dungeons in the climates installer or disable those 2 esp files if installed manually) I use them anyway as RLO has brighter dungeons than I like and REALLY dark interiors the way I have it set up (haven't run in to any conflicts yet, but your milage may vary)


A LOT of things will conflict with SkyRE (not a criticism of the author: It is an overhaul and works as such.) SkyRE's biggest problem with combat / magic / stealth mods is the perk system. It clashes with anything that tweaks the perk system or uses vanilla or other modded perks. (You may be able to fix this in the configuration *ReProccer* and/or with load order, but you will need to do quite a bit of playtesting*)


Frostfall (especially with Wet and Cold) is script heavy. You'll need a lot of ram and probably ini tweaks to use those two together, especially with SkyRe without script lag.


For creatures there is a lore friendly mod that tweaks Skyrim monster mod. http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/9304/ SkyMo's author got banned so you'll need to google that mod for the base.


Check out Lorecraft, Custom Crafting Overhaul (and the Smithing / Weapons mods listed as required), and possibly ArsSmithing (haven't tested Ars with CCO for compatibility yet).


For WATER get SMIM skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/8655/ install that first then install WATER and allow it to overwrite SMIM

Edited by ghosen
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forgot: backpacks: bandoliers and bags is a nice immersive craftable (with dye options in some of its add ons :) ) also can't remember which, but there is a dawnguard or dragonborn add on for the base mod that adds more of them as well as an optional mod to add them to NPCs


Another mod lowers the carry amount /cost for more "realism"

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