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Amulet/Faction Help


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I would like to make an amulet that - when equipped - would add the player to a faction and - when unequipped - would remove the player from said faction.


I know enough to know that this probably requires a script but I know not what that script is.


Any help would be much appreciated, thanks.

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I would like to make an amulet that - when equipped - would add the player to a faction and - when unequipped - would remove the player from said faction.



It seems there is no default script that could be used for that. So you need to make your own, like this:


Scriptname YourScriptName extends ObjectReference

Faction Property SomeFaction auto

Event OnEquipped(Actor akActor)
	if akActor == Game.GetPlayer()
Event OnUnequipped(Actor akActor)
	if akActor == Game.GetPlayer()

To make it actually work, the property value needs to be filled with the faction you want to add/remove.

Edited by Ghaunadaur
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The script isn't working, the faction in question is KynesPeaceFaction, I'm trying to make an amulet that while equipped will make animal not attack me.


EDIT: I've sorted it now, I had accidently put a comma in (Actor, akActor) instead of (Actor akActor)


The script works but there's no effect in-game, animal will still attack and or flee from me.

Edited by TanisDuncan
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The script isn't working, the faction in question is KynesPeaceFaction, I'm trying to make an amulet that while equipped will make animal not attack me.


EDIT: I've sorted it now, I had accidently put a comma in (Actor, akActor) instead of (Actor akActor)


The script works but there's no effect in-game, animal will still attack and or flee from me.

Just so we know, did you remember to assign the factions in the properties window?

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Just so we know, did you remember to assign the factions in the properties window?



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The script isn't working, the faction in question is KynesPeaceFaction, I'm trying to make an amulet that while equipped will make animal not attack me.


Adding the player to the faction is possibly not enough. If you look at the Kyne's Peace shout, it has three magic effects and one of it is scripted. I guess you would need to recreate those magic effects as constant effects and attach them to an enchantment. But that was not your initial question, maybe start another thread for this.

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Just so we know, did you remember to assign the factions in the properties window?


I just double checked the property and it would seem that it did not save it assigned for some reason, so I just did it again and it works fine now, thanks.

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