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Creation Kit: Items not working after loading a saved .esp into CK.


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I'm new to the CK, and I've had a lot of fun playing around with it and seeing the changes I've made reflect in the game. I want to create an custom arrows mod, I know how to actually create the arrows and add enchants to them and that is not the problem. Example: I've made an arrow that on a impact location spawns a Magelight, and it worked flawlessly. TILL I chose to exit the CK and came back later to load up the save in CK again, this is where I discovered my issues.


Issue 1, this is what I did


1. I have a working .esp of the MageLight arrow I've made, when I load that .esp in Skyrim it works just as expected. I can see the item in console by typing 'help MageLightArrow' and I am convinced it works.

2. I am now re-opening the CK, and loading my MageLight.esp which contains the arrow I've made earlier, except if I want to make any changes to the arrow I have to save it with a new name (or I can't test the mod at the same time).

3. Renaming it to MageLight2.esp and saved it.

4. Disabling the old MageLight.esp through SkyrimLauncher.exe and loading up the game with the new MageLight2.esp

5. When I type into console 'help MageLightArrow' the item doesn't exist...

6. Now I made a change to the 'item description' of the item in CK, in hope it somehow helps me to see the item in game. And saved it again.

7. The item is now shows in game, but it doesn't work :( and it has no projectile...


Issue 2


When I still had the working MageLight.esp open in CK (and I didn't close it before), I started creating another arrow which I named 'ExplosiveArrow' I followed the typical arrow creation progress, when I finished the arrow was in game. But it didn't trigger the explosive effect for some reason (I am very sure it should had to do that) AND after adding this new arrow, my MageLightArrow simply stopped spawning it's orb / functioning the way I created it.



Right now I have a feeling, like I can only create 1 working item per mod. I can't edit my old mod and add something new, cause it seems to "break" the working items.


What am I doing wrong? I want to store all of my created arrows into 1 .esp file and I'd really expect them to work when I decide to work on them later again :S I am truly asking for assistance cause right now I've lost any interest in using the CK. Am I doing something wrong while saving?

Edited by Babycake
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Guys I am really sorry for making this dumb post. I hope it can help somebody else in future out that's as new as me :) I've found my solution to BOTH of my problems from this link: http://answers.yahoo.com/question/index?qid=20120209192706AA0rzMv


1. I can now edit my old .esp and save directly into it without making a new save file.

2. I can add more arrows which don't screw up my old content.


Both my Illuminating and Explosive arrows work at the same time :D and now I'm eager to create many new ones.



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