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how to add new weapons


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some pointers i have found when adding new weapons to the game, please note that this is NOT a complete tutorial it is just my reminders of the steps to take when creating new (signature)weapons.


legend :blue represents a name, red represents something that you are supposed to do.


new weapons!:
-make copies of desired weapon files into the same location from:

-rename weapon files.

-in this file find this value
"<field name="locidItemNameId" type="Int32">(copy me)</field>"

-copy the copy me value to this file under this value
"<field name="locidDisplayName" type="Int32">(paste me here)</field>"

-in this file find this value
"<field name="arkArchetype" type="Id64">(copy me)</field>"

-copy the copy me value to this file under this value
"<field name="disLibItemId" type="Id64">(paste me here)</field>"

-add your new files (their locations and names, make them like the others in the list) to the appropriate xml file list.

-make sure the files direct to their own location where possible (where it says the old location edit to reflect file name changes)

-in this file
"<field name="disId" type="UInt16">(give me a unique number under 10000)</field>"

-make these file values the same or you won't be buying/equipping the weapons
(copy the upper value over the lower value or you wil break previous steps)
"<field name="arkArchetype" type="Id64">(this value)</field>" and
"<field name="arkDisplayArchetype" type="Id64">(this value)</field>"

-in this file (this stage can technically be ignored as weapons with explosions added to the weapon damage is ignored anyway, however if you have signature weapons that use weapon mods that are not on the origional weapon those will be removed when you pick up your modded gun from the ground).
(this stage is so you can drop your weapon and pick the same one back up, if this isn't done you will pick up the origional weapon back up not your modded (signature) weapon)
"<field name="disLibItemId" type="Id64">(copy me)</field>"

-copy the copy me value to this file under this value
"<field name="arkPickupArchetype" type="Id64">(paste me here)</field>"

Edited by mlmbug
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Been a long time since i played far cry 3, but if you know how to unpack the files - do a basic comparison between files: signature versus stock versions.

Otherwise look up tutorials?


hope you find what your looking for, cause i probably forgot how to make those mods. :ermm: :huh:

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