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Making Followers mine ore with the Creation Kit - How?


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Title says it all. I want my custom followers to be able to mine, and I hear that some followers in decent skyrim can mine ore, but I haven't found any myself. I hear Serana from Dawnguard can do it, and if possible I would like to use her assets to make my follower to be able to do the same thing.

Any clues?

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I hear Serana from Dawnguard can do it, and if possible I would like to use her assets to make my follower to be able to do the same thing.

Yeah, Serana can do it, provided that you don't move while you're standing next to some ore. She also sits down when you do or when you're just lollygagging, leans on walls, sweeps the floor, actually acts like a real person unlike the mindless lumps of wood called "followers" that are available in vanilla game.


I've never actually took her apart in CK to find out why she does what she does though, maybe I should've.

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Looked into the AI Packages, might be something worth looking into as it has many lines like "Allow Sitting" and such. Wondering if I can find an "Allow Mining" line.

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