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I'm trying to install the "Armored SabreCat Mount" mod and its just not working...

Can someone help me pls?


Armored SabreCat Mount:http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/8978

Are you downloading it manually or with the mod manager?

I'm downloading it with the mod manager..

And i did intalled it, but theres no chest where it should be..

Edited by CheerItUp
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Can i backup my skyrim saves??

Yes, they are located outside of the game folder,

Default is C:\users\your user name\my documents\my games\Skyrim\Saves


If you want to remove all saves and start a new set, just rename the saves folder to something else such as oldsaves. Then create a new folder in the same place named saves and the game will start using that one. But the game allows a lot of saves - I have over 1300 now. Any mods that you had installed when the save was made will be in that save.


After installing did you activate it? There should be a entry for it on the Plugins page with a check mark in the box. If the entry is not there then it is not active.

Then on the mods tab you should see a entry for it, with either a red X or green check. The red X lets you know it is not active - double click on the mod name and you should see it activate and the Red X should change to a green check.


Next - if you have done all of this and it still isn't showing in the game go here: http://s1.zetaboards.com/bbenlibrary/topic/4841706/1/

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Can i backup my skyrim saves??

Yes, they are located outside of the game folder,

Default is C:\users\your user name\my documents\my games\Skyrim\Saves


If you want to remove all saves and start a new set, just rename the saves folder to something else such as oldsaves. Then create a new folder in the same place named saves and the game will start using that one. But the game allows a lot of saves - I have over 1300 now. Any mods that you had installed when the save was made will be in that save.


After installing did you activate it? There should be a entry for it on the Plugins page with a check mark in the box. If the entry is not there then it is not active.

Then on the mods tab you should see a entry for it, with either a red X or green check. The red X lets you know it is not active - double click on the mod name and you should see it activate and the Red X should change to a green check.


Next - if you have done all of this and it still isn't showing in the game go here: http://s1.zetaboards.com/bbenlibrary/topic/4841706/1/

Thank you, i backuped my saves, and i did activate it...

But its still not showing the chest..

Edited by CheerItUp
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