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I activate an omod in the manager, and it turns from green to blue, however it doesn't appear on the list of usable mods on the left, nor does it appear on the data files from the launcher.


I have recently managed to run oblivion on linux (ubuntu 12.04 LTS) using wine version 1.5.28 and it works fine.I also managed to manually install a few mods using esp files (Ren's beauty pack works just fine).However, it got increasingly hard to find mods which weren't in omod versions.So i downloaded the oblivion mod manager and it seemed to be working fine, in fact i somehow managed to get an omod working and appearing on the left, but it seemed to be almost a glitch,because obmm crashed and when re-opened the omod in question though appearing on the left, had a black square next to it on the list on right.
I don't know what might be causing this, and if something similar hasn't happened to someone using windows it's quite likely i wine problem.

Hope i'm not wasting your time with a glitch someone at winehq should be dealing with.

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