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You said you weren't sure if other mods were showing up or not. I have a set of help files for people unfamiliar with mods. They include the simplest mod I could come up with. Along with instructions on downloading, unzipping and installing it. Try it and see if it show up in game. It has no new textures or meshes. just an .esp file and a picture of the location.


Located here: http://s1.zetaboards.com/TheStormRavenLibrary/forum/256092/

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K. Checked the site out and went over some of the stuff. Pretty much knew it all, but a refresher is always good.


What I meant was that I'm not seeing mods that I believe should show up in game. I know natural faces is working... and I don't have a ton of mods installed.


Most of them are companion npcs...


So I'm estimating that maybe it's either my load order being screwy, an archive invalidation screwing everything up, something I might have done in omod, a file being placed wrong, or a bug in cmod...


I was thinking maybe I could uninstall cmod, find a previous version, and see if the older version works...

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Also, I'm getting trees showing all green, then changing to blue, then turning to thier normal state, or just staying blue or green.


After playing for a bit equipment and some npcs features go all white.


Water turns a flat orange color... Also happens with parts of the ground.


So... maybe whatever is causing this bug is also keeping me from being able to use cmod...

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Ok. I'm currently reading:




And this is leading me to believe that:


1. My load order is jacked up in some way, shape, or form... At least needs to be sorted properly.


2. I am having compatibility issues with mods.


3. I have mismatched resources which are the cause of whited out eyes/ wierd textures/ whited out armor, etc.



This probably all stems from the fact that I assumed that the oblivion modding community was as organized as the Half Life 2 and Garrys mod community which I frequent.


I was dead wrong.


My first problem is that I tried installing several mods at once.




Next I tried installing several mods that conflict with each other.




Next I tried installing several mods which do basically the same thing.


Really bad.





My point is I need somebodies help in figuring out what is causing my conflicts/overrides/load order issues.

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The best way to do/see this is using Wyre Bash. But I would recommend reinstalling Oblivion. Check Bben's Proper Oblivion installation guide(where was it again?), he describes perfectly how you have to do it.

Reinstalling will also take less time than fixing the conflicts, believe me, I know it...

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Also, I'm getting trees showing all green, then changing to blue, then turning to thier normal state, or just staying blue or green.


After playing for a bit equipment and some npcs features go all white.


Water turns a flat orange color... Also happens with parts of the ground.


So... maybe whatever is causing this bug is also keeping me from being able to use cmod...


That sounds more like a video card issue. Possibly getting too hot. I haven't seen mods cause color changes like you describe. However, I have heard of video card problems causing them.


To test this, try removing all mods and playing for a while, Jack up your video settings as high as you can to put more strain on the video card. Then play for a while, possibly a couple of hours. If the problem occurs, shut down immediately and allow it to cool down. It is not related to mods. Be sure to make a save before you begin testing so you can go back to that point later.


An overheating video card will not cause mods to just not appear in your game.


Good troubleshooting procedure is to concentrate on ONE problem at a time. Fix that one, then move to the next one. Adding more mods will make it more difficult to fix any problems you are having. If you can, remove all mods except the one that is giving problems. Make sure the problem is not caused by the vanilla game (with no mods installed). If it is, then you may have a hardware problem.

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Going to try reinstalling Oblivion and seeing if it was the install. Most likely, it was.


BBen: Looked around some and came to the same conclusion. Couldn't get my old 7950 GT to work in my new comp (stupid ATI chipset... Shoulda checked the mb package better when I bought it...) so I have been reduced to lowly noob levels of integrated graphics.


I scrub and scrub and scrub every night... but I still can't get the feeling of integrated graphics off!






I'll update when I reinstall Oblivion along with Cmod.

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