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Beautiful people and Cobl races


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Okay, i have a minor but quite annoying problem.


On a fresh new install of Oblivion, I wanted to try this great mod that is Cobl. Got the last version along the last Wrye Bash version, the one with the BAIN feature. So I installed Cobl via BAIN and noticed the Cobl Races and such files, so I activated them. I had already beautiful people (last version) installed.


I launch the game and see that most of the races have googly uncorrect eyes. I often had this problem with Beautiful people and i knew how to solve it : it was because i use a non-english Oblivion and Beautiful people changes the names of the races. So that's a problem i know how to fix.


But it seems that Cobl races causes exactly the same problem, or at least that's what i saw in the Construction Set. The problem is that, even if i use the same list of correct race names to replace the changed ones, it gives me lots of errors and finally does nothing.


My question is such : Do Beautiful People and Cobl races work together and if yes, how to fix the problem, or do i have to choose between BP and Cobl Races ?

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Maybe, but i had found a way to neutralize this problem and take 100% of the benefits of this mod, too bad that putting Cobl Races broke everything...


Any help, anybody ?


the reason for this problem are 2 different eye meshes: Beautiful People uses Ren's Eyes, these meshes are smaller I think. At least they use smaller double eye-textures which also allow 2 different eye colors(like purple and blue in one layout).

Cobl races as well as the Beauty Pack and all Vanilla races use eye meshes which are bigger, I call 'em VEM(=Vanilla Eye Meshes). They use bigger textures AND only ONE TEXTURE for both eyes. So all Characters using those can only have one eye color per layout. Therefor, the VEMs provide more details(since they're bigger).


I fixed that problem, but for myself only. You can do it, too, it's really simple:

Once you installed BP, in the Meshes\Characters\Imperial\Eyes folder(not exactly sure 'bout the directory, I'm not at home to check that...) is one mesh file called Humaneye.nif. If you remove it, all Vanilla races(,cobl,Beauty Pack, etc...) will have normal eyes again, but BP races not. You can rename them however and change the file name via TES4Edit or CS(I recommend 1st tool, much easier and faster).

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On top of Mayuyang's excellent advice, I would emphasize that Cobl Races is a brand new addition to Cobl, and is very much in beta, and there's no reason to have to use it at all. I use Cobl, but I don't use the new races feature because like you, I handle my own custom races.
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maYuYang and myrmaad, thank you for your advices. I think i'll simply disable Cobl Races for the moment and use BP only, along with TNR, which was very satisfying in itself. I was curious about Cobl Races because it added some races i didn't use, but that's not essential for my Oblivion experience, so i think i'll just pass on that for the moment.
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