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Add Player to Faction


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Much like in the companions quest, once you've finished your initiation you're added to their faction and are able to sleep in their beds and take their things without it being considered stealing. I'm trying to do the same thing with my mod, but keep getting errors. This whole papyrus thing is going straight over my head.


I've already made the faction and have the quest working; I tried adding the script Game.GetPlayer().AddToFaction(FactionID) to the end event of a dialogue branch. Now is this the wrong way to go about it or is the code simply wrong?


Any help would be appreciated. I'm probably missing something really simple.

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  • 5 weeks later...

Having the same problem here. I was kept referring to the Companions Quest in the CK to see how they did it, and I'm pretty sure the only reason they're able to get away with simply using Game.GetPlayer().AddToFaction(CompanionFaction) is because they include it as a property in their script(s) for the quest. I did the same thing, but I'm still getting the exact same fail when I try to compile. So I'm really stumped here as well.

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I used

game.GetPlayer().addToFaction (MYFaction)


Property type faction

and pick MYFaction under the drop down.


If you cannot get the property under the fragment window open, type ;start in the window, save the quest closing it all the way out and then reopen it.

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Working in script fragments can be a little confusing. Before you can add a property, the script needs to be compiled first. In order to do that, type any code that *will* compile in the window, such as a comment. After that the quest window must be closed (OK button) and opened again. Then you can add your properties and the script will compile.




Edited by Ghaunadaur
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