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Breton Mage Nif Green Hands

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TL;DR: Need direction / assistance skinning the hands on the loadscreenbretonmage.nif so that they are properly affected by ENB's and do not look green while in game.



After a good amount of searching, I think I finally narrowed down the culprit. The loadscreenbretonmage.nif has green-ish hands while an ENB is on, in my case I use Rudy. I checked the textures and it is using the correct paths. Weeded out mod conflicts until after enough searching just tried turning my ENB off and it was fixed. Went searching on google, enbdev, Particle Patch forum, Rudy ENB forums for a fix and came up empty handed except for one tiny lead.


http://enbseries.enbdev.com/forum/viewtopic.php?f=6&t=1499&start=1580 (Scroll to bottom of page)


Mindflux stated, "The hands are not skinned."


So I compared it to some of the other load screen nifs and sure enough under Shader Flags 1, it is missing the "skinned" flag. I assume this is what he meant.

Unfortunately the thread ends there and I can't seem to find any further mentions of this or a fix.


I'm no novice when modding. I know my way around the folder structure, MO2, xEdit, CK, Bodyslide etc. But Nifskope is still new to me. I have poked around and have a very base understanding of how it works. Regardless, in my searching, it seems as though I also need Blender or some modeling program to properly "skin" the hands. I do not have any of these programs.


Yes I did just try enabling the "skinned" flag hoping it would work. Made my whole screen glitch out when near the object in game. Maybe I can try copying the NiSkinInstance from one of the other models?


So what I'd like to know is if anyone has the experience or know how to lead me in the right direction to fix this. Point me to a tutorial or maybe there is already a fix for this that I never found. It would be great if someone with the know how to fix this would kindly take an afternoon to address this, but I am also willing to try my hand as well. Just don't know where to start. I know it is a minor bug for a load screen that I will barely see in game save a handful of times but now that I know its there is bothers me to no end.

Should be easy to check in your own games if using an ENB. As far as I know this was never a big enough issue to warrant a fix by anyone.


For reference the file is in Meshes1.bsa meshes\loadscreenart\loadscreenbretonmage.nif FormID: 10cc2d Using the ID to placeatme command for in game checking.




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