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Companion Mod won't follow


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So I've been working on a Ghoul companion whom I hope will fledge out into a fully voiced character including quests. I've got almost all of the dialog to work, a working companion wheel, the beginnings of a side quest and all this stuff much more complicated, but I can't for the life of me get him to follow. Pretty simple thing to fudge up, but this is my first time working with the GECK.

I can hire him, fire him, open his inventory, and when I fast travel and enter/exit a door, he's at my side. But when I start walking, he doesn't follow. He's stuck to the spot he spawns in. I had a similar issue with this tutorial on a different character, so it must be something I did for it to not work with two different tutorials.

There's also an issue where when he's supposed to be in sandbox mode, he's just standing there.

I used this tutorial and followed the instructions to a T, including the "Relax" package part.


Hope someone can tell me where I screwed up.

And for funsies, how about a screenshot of the ol boy?

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I haven't used the tutorials, but I'm assuming they have you do scripting in the results scripts of the dialogue topics that tell the companion to follow/relax/wait, etc.


So, if you have the appropriate scripting in the results scripts of those topics changing the variables and evping the companion into the packages you need him in at the right times (following, waiting, sandboxing) then I'm wondering if you haven't added his packages to the list in his NPC record? There is a tab in the record for Packages specifically where you add the packages your NPC uses. Or if you have added them, maybe you need to play with the order of the packages.


Sometimes you have to play with the order to get them all working. I'd recommend putting the sandbox package at the top, anything you only use once (like his beginning in the world package that won't be revisited again) at the very bottom, general following can be somewhere in the middle, etc. You should expect all of your packages to work and only the order should be preventing them from working. You can get a package that is broken for no other reason than it's just broken, but that's pretty rare.



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I haven't used the tutorials, but I'm assuming they have you do scripting in the results scripts of the dialogue topics that tell the companion to follow/relax/wait, etc.


So, if you have the appropriate scripting in the results scripts of those topics changing the variables and evping the companion into the packages you need him in at the right times (following, waiting, sandboxing) then I'm wondering if you haven't added his packages to the list in his NPC record? There is a tab in the record for Packages specifically where you add the packages your NPC uses. Or if you have added them, maybe you need to play with the order of the packages.


Sometimes you have to play with the order to get them all working. I'd recommend putting the sandbox package at the top, anything you only use once (like his beginning in the world package that won't be revisited again) at the very bottom, general following can be somewhere in the middle, etc. You should expect all of your packages to work and only the order should be preventing them from working. You can get a package that is broken for no other reason than it's just broken, but that's pretty rare.


That fixed it, thanks so much. I'm new to all this and neither tutorial said much about adding the packages to the NPC so I wasn't sure what to do. Now Caterpillar can be in my posse with Willow ;D

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I've been having this same exact problem from that first tutorial. Do you mind posting a screenie of your package order?

I put them in pretty much randomly, but here's the order. Good luck fixing your problem.


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I had problems for a long time with my companion not waiting when I told him to. Finally I realized I had "continue if PC near" checked in his Follow package. Conversely, perhaps someone with a following problem has a Wait package checked wrongly.

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