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2 handed weapon Glitch


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Yo. So, I installed this mod called "YYAnimReplacerZweihander". I didn't like it so I unistalled it, but for whatever reason, the two handed animation of the mod still plays either on me when I equip a two handed weapon, or on any npc with a two handed weapon. Does anyone know how to fix this?


Also, I wanted to know if there's a mod that allows you to shoot arrows while running. I'm tired of having to slow down, giving those bastards enough time to get to me.


Again, is there a mod that also changes the magic casting animation to a throwing animation? As if you're throwing a ball, but instead are shooting fireballs? Like in InFAMOUS 1 or 2.


Again, this is my last one, a lightning/sparks mod that'S a projectile in the same shape and form of a fireball spell, except its made of lightning/sparks. You know, InFAMOUS powers.


Thanks nexus



Edited by AizenSkyrim
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