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Better Free Camera conflict with SKSE


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Hey all,


So I decided to change my ENB today, after the change I loaded up my Oldrim and started a new game. Not long into the game I realized my Better Free Camera Mod by Utopium was not working. I logged off and opened Vortex where I got an error message 127. The log says,

couldn't load plugin E:\SteamLibrary\steamapps\common\Skyrim\Data\SKSE\Plugins\\UtopiumAPI.dll (Error 127)

The description in vortex says that this happens because the mod is not compatible with my current SKSE.

I didn't change my SKSE.

So I removed the ENB and reverted to my old one.

The same thing happens.

Utopium also has a utilities mod which includes Better Free Camera along with a bunch of other stuff so I uninstalled the solo mod and installed the Utilities mod.

Same deal.

I cant imagine what I did changing the ENB to make this happen.

Any thoughts?


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