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Fastest travel route for followers?


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Just wondering, I have Dovahkiin hideout and it has some hatches in player homes to teleport yourself to the different player homes. Was wondering if there is a mod out there that will have the followers also use the hatches?


example, you could have a follower work in whiterun, but live at lakeview and they would be able to use the hatch to get to white run instead of traveling all the way on the roads.


Just curious is all if a mod out there that would have them use the quickest method.

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I've never seen anything that provides that feature. tbh, they seem to get into the player homes (most anyway)( without any difficulty. In fact, when I use the secret entrance at Breezehome, they always arrive even before I get inside. (they're there ready to greet me as I walk upstairs from the basement).

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