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Jee, there's some pretty messed up kids in year 7 this year....


Today at school a girl in year 7 was walking along when another year 7 boy tripped her over. She got up and he punched her down again, before repeatably kicking her. Her friend comes over and he does the same to her, swearing the whole time. By this stage some massive year 10 boys come over and are like "what the @#$% are you doing?" this kids goes "you wanna !@#$% fight @@#$? I'll stab you with my pen" The year 10 boys go "Bring it on @#$$ I'll smash you, you @#$% girl-basher" Then a teacher arrives and pulls the kids apart before rushing the girls to the (first-aid place)


I was surprised, we've never had such vicious little punks at my school before, I hope he gets expelled.

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