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No it isn't. Many of the people you've known for a long time from the lounge have moved.



Indeed. This is most likely going to be the last post of mine on this forum. There are several reasons why, and I can't be bothered to explain them. As far as I know, Keylek is doing the same.




Don't worry, be happy.

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wasder is correct, i am leaving this forum for too many people being such childish, i am not saying where i am going because i do not want the children of this place to follow me... so a final good bye and i hope you all rot in hell...


[ i account will still be active for downloading mods and posting new mods for people, and also to try and connect to friends but that will be the only i shall do for this forum from now on. you will be seeing no more posts from me anymore, you could say i have been pushed off for simuler reasions like alienslof, just people who act too much like children and people who are not quite sure about themselfs so they have to bother other people because they think it is ''funny'' well good bye, i may lock this topic but i will leave it open as a reminder to all...]

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