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Can't return to Skyrim Exterior


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I'm starting to get frustrated.


I've had before where getting to any exterior cell from the major cities proved...difficult.

However, this would be a temporary issue, then all of a sudden it would be normal again.


Now, I am no longer able to return to Skyrim's exterior.

Solstheim (dragonborn DLC mainland) works just fine, but I can't travel back to Skyrim anymore.

It just hangs on the loading screen, cycling forever with Task manager saying it's not responding.


I can coc myself to any interior in skyrim, but I can't leave the interior without haning on the loading screen.


I use a lot of mods, but newer characters/playthroughs do not suffer from this, or at least no more than I have grown used to.

This has been going on for days and I REALLY want to head back to Skyrim.


The save file is around 16-17MB, so that shouldn't be too large.


Anyone able to help?

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