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Texture/Mesh Problem [Seam under nose]


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I have a little "problem" with a strange seam under my characters nose. Maybe someone can point me in the right direction how to fix it. To be clear: I expect corrupted files and/or a mistake on my part. As far as I am aware all the mods I use work without this issue for everyone else.


And of course it doesn't affect gameplay at all and is an pure aesthetical issue.




First of all a picture with all mods enabled:





Now a picture with all mods disabled (only via NMM!) and a new character:





Both characters are vanilla nords. The seam on the vanilla preset isn't that obvious because the lighting is vanilla as well and the vanilla race menu has no zoom-in function (I totally forgot that by now.). The seam persists with every other nose and mouth, changing skin colour covers the seam only slightly. NPCs are affected too (I saw it on Ria as well).




Now I know that disabling mods via NMM does not magically delete added textures. Here a list of what I use for my current character (including stuff only enabled but not actually used):


1. 15 Stand Alone Warpaints by Zurrgo (not used, but enabled)

2. ApachiiSkyHair (used)

3. Battle Hardened Warpaints by Diethardt and netherwalk (used)

4. Detailed Lips by Xenius (used)

5. UNPB Blessed Body [NSFW] (used)

6. Eyebrows - Beards by Regn (light version) (used)

7. Fitness Body by SvarogNL [NSFW] (used)


8. Nuska Real Skin for Women - Real Skin UNP (used)

9. Nuska Real Skin for Women - Real Skin UNP Freckles (used)


10. Smile in HD by zzjay (used)

11. XCE Scarface by Xenius (used)


The seam was visible before I installed 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 10 and 11.

Yes, I installed other texture mods because that seam won't stop me from playing and enjoying the game. I just recently started to make screenshots and it bothers me more and more. I also tried to fix this on my own for quite a while.




I had two suspicions so far:


Left over textures from the Ashen race mod or Nuskas Real Skin for Women (again, not the mod itself -> corrupted files and/or wrong installation).

I deleted everything related to the Ashen race listed in the readme (I disabled the mod before I started my current character). Nothing changed.

Then I tried to look up nuskas files which is a bit more tedious because nuska is taking a well deserved brake and hid the mod and I am not that experienced with textures yet.

I opened textures/actors/characters/female with GIMP and the face maps looked fine to me. Maybe the shadow under the nose on the shadow map (the dark one, I have no idea what its called) was a bit dark, but no seam on either of the 3 maps and nuskas characters never had seams.


Now would the vanilla textures even affect the character if the game loads the modded textures? I don't remember having that seam before I installed modded textures but at that time I did not even know about FOV and F12 (I was an evil console player once. And still am. Sometimes.).


Could it be a mesh problem? When I move the face parts everything besides the seam looks fine and not misplaced. I have not the slightest clue about meshes though. I can only tell if it "looks" alright.





Any ideas are welcome. I'm tapping in the dark right now.

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