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Replace throat cut killmove with backstab killmove.


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Hello! Can somebody help me out, please? How to replace sneak attack killmove animation with backstab (video link) ?

May be u could help me to find this files in .bsa mess (I tryed but got overwhelmed) and then I'll rename them and place in data folder?

Thank you for attention.

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"I'll rename them and place in data folder?"


Uh oh, I'd say no.


As far as I know, these animations are completely different, and you'd need to adjust the enemy animation as well, so it'd be pretty much easier by finding a way in CK to replace it, as the animation change might be/probably is quite buggy.

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Thank you!

Uh, well, could somebody please help me to make that kind of mod, please? :sweat:



Okay, tried myself for some more, and actually successfully replaced one for 3rd-person-view, but there is some problem with 1st-person-view, it actually works, expect fact that dagger itself is not animated during 1st-person-view killmove, can somebody help me please, what is wrong with it?

Edited by Adrenarch
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