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Why do my stats suddenly have a penalty?


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I have a 16th level character and I just noticed that she has a penalty on her strength and intelligence. On the first screen you get when you hit F1, where it lists your stats, there is a red -8 penalty on strength and a -4 on intelligence.


It's not any items that I have equipped (it's still the same when the character is naked). There's nothing on the last screen of the F3 set (the screen that lists modifiers to your stats that are currently being effected by spells, equipment, blessings from the gods, etc.)


I noticed it right when I was about to start the Shivering Isles campaign. My oldest save game with the problem is standing on the island in the bay with the 3-headed door.


Could some monster have cursed me? Are there items that effect your stats when they're in your inventory but not equipped? I'm running most of the FCOM stuff and tons of other mods so there's a lot of possibilities. Anyone have an idea of what it might be?


Is there a console command that would force the game to list all the things currently modifying my stats? I tried dtd, which listed changes in my stats due to race and equipment, but nothing causing a penalty to my strength and intelligence.

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Quite a few creatures and poisons permanently (until you cure it via chapel or magic effect) damage your attributes. There are some items which influence your stats just by having them in your inventory, but they're hugely rare. I don't think Vanilla includes proper items for Strength -8 and Intelligence -4, and they would be under your Active Effects if they did. What happens if you pray at a chapel or drink a Restore Strength potion?
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Thanks for all the feedback. I think it was just one of the traps or monsters affecting my stats. Some restoration spells that restore strength / intelligence / etc. fixed things right up.


For some reason, I thought all those things would have a duration (or at least be listed in the spell-effects menu, which even lists your permanent birthsign bonuses so it ought to list a curse or spell effect or whatever this was). So it didn't occur to me to cure it with spells / chapels. But that worked. Thank you!

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spoiler -->

The Scales of Pitiless Justice from a DB reward decrease your intelligence (I think)...but they're supposed to boost your strength...

<--end spoiler

I agree with them its just a curse or a poison or something

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