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Skyrim Retexture not showing up on world object


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Hello All,

I have searched EVERYWHERE for a solution to this, but found nothing. Please could someone help...


My custom retexture is not showing up on my world object.


I am trying to create a Store with customized display objects showing off my retextures, but they just wont show up.


I have done the nessesary steps, creating the TS (texture set), AA (Armor Addon) and Object ID. Linked them all up correctly with similar filenames. When I drop it into the worldspace, it shows the original vanilla texture. I should mention at this point that I have only provided female retextures. The CK shows my item as the male version, how do I tell it to use the female one? If I change both genders textures, it shows up fine in the CK but not in-game. This is the case whether i'm replacing or adding items and linking the textures to them. They work fine when I use them (had to provide my own 1st person NIFs as the CK has a confirmed bug with custom retextures on 1st person items), even when I drop them. But placing them in the CK just doesn't work.


Is there anything I'm doing wrong here? Is it due to Bethesda's 3 HD Packs overriding my textures?

(I have added the 3 HD packs in via the skyrim.ini file, and have deselected them in the 'DATA FILES' area, and it still doesn't work).


Please someone help, If anyone could shed some light on this thing, I would be eternally grateful.



Edited by babooncru
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