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The Wilds ENB


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Hello. I am a complete newbie to the ENB Mods. I need help step by step in installation the The Wilds ENB. What files I need, Changing my Skyrim Preferences, and Installing the correct files in my skyrim folder. I have the The Wilds ENB Files, The Binary Wrapper Files, and The d3d9_40.dll File. I got those but How do I install them in my skyrim folder and what Video setting I need to change for it to work. Please help me anyone with experience with this type of THE WILDS ENB. What Skyrim Preferences do I change and so on. PLEASE SOMEONE HELP.

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Whichever one floats your boat. The instructions say "choose the version you'd like to play with an copy all of the content of that folder into your Skyrim directory."


Edit your SkyrimPrefs.ini as stated in the description. Disable the game's antialiasing via the default Skyrim launcher.


Shift+F12 toggles ENB. Although I'm pretty sure you'll know immediately whether it's working or not.

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