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Schlock's Plasgun


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I was watching a clip from a weapon audio overhaul mod and got to thinking what a certain ambulatory, talking, pile of crap's favorite handcannon would be like in fallout.


ran a few searches, came up bupkis.


for those of you who have no idea what i'm talking about, you have some required reading to do.


there's 20 years worth of daily webcomics, see you around Halloween....




or if you want just a description of the weapon.





now that the education process is out of the way, and everyone is up to speed, id like to see the not so good Sergeant's Plasgun lay down some fire in FO4.


Luckily there's an ingame weapon that would serve as a good starting point, the Salvaged Assaultron Head.


it just needs to be bigger, rounder, and heavier. with a bore diameter like a pistol version of a KV-2, with a beam size, power and sounds to match.


Charge up with an Ominous Hum and then let it loose with a THOOM.

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