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New Eye Colors?


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I'd like to be able to give my Dunmer character violet eyes like Karliah or make him heterochromatic. However, I'm new to modding and don't know what this would require me to do in the creation kit. I'd imagine it would be quite simple for female Dark Elves, considering there's already data present; it's just simply not playable. My question deals more with how to enable it on males. Seeing as how the texture does not logically exist in the CK for males, I'm guessing it would take a custom texture? And if so, could someone direct me to a non-video tutorial for that? I know I sound completely ignorant, and I'm embarrassed to be asking, but thanks for any help given.

Edited by Spexcern
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Hm. I am looking in the CK, and it seems to me that Karliah's eyes ought to already be playable for female dark elves. It is selectable for any female dark elf NPC within the CK, at least. (It's called "FemaleEyesDarkElfUnique")

To make it useable for males, you will need to make a new head part. But it's fairly easy.

  1. Load up the CK
  2. Under "Character > HeadPart" search for any default "MaleEyesDarkElf". For example, I will select "MaleEyesDarkElfDeepRed".
Right click and duplicate the head part. Open the duplicate and rename it as you like - such as "MaleEyesDarkElfUnique" (for consistency, you know?) The Model and Tri should be correct because we selected a male head part. Just make sure "Playable" is checked, "Male" is selected and "HeadPartsDarkElf" is selected as the valid race. Now, you just need to find the correct texture set! Under the drop-down menu, choose "EyesDarkElfUnique1". Hit OK and save! That's all. Now you should be able to have Karliah eyes for a male.

For a completely new eye color, you will indeed need a custom texture and there will be extra steps.

  1. Make your texture.
Save it wherever you want in your Data folder. Now you need to make a new texture set. In Miscellaneous>TextureSet, duplicate an EyesDarkElf texture set, open it, and rename. All you need to do here is change the Diffuse file (unless you want to get all fancy and make new effects.) Click on "Diffuse", click "Edit" next to the box where it shows the texture file path, and navigate to your custom texture. If it shows up in the preview window, you are good to go! Hit okay! Follow steps above to make a new headpart.


As far as heterochromia eyes go, you will probably need to work with "EyeBlind" in some manner. Otherwise, 3D editing software will be necessary to remap the UV's.


EDIT 3: Edited for general stupid. Note to self - stay away from the internet while sleep deprived. -_-

Edited by Elleh
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